Sending Events

When you have a linked component defined in both Blender and Unity you can send event messages containing custom structures of data between the two applications.

There are a number of restrictions you must be aware of before starting to keep data interchangeable between applications:

  • A component must be instantiated on both sides with the same linked name
    • The name of the Blender component matches the class name (e.g. Light from prior examples).

    • A Unity MonoBehaviour uses the ComponentAttribute to define the matching component name and implements IComponent to access the required API methods.

  • Your structures must contain only blittable types
    • Primitive types such as System.Int16, System.Single, System.Byte, are allowed.

    • Pointers are not supported.

    • C# arrays are not supported, but you can use a fixed array in a struct marked unsafe.

    • We do provide some interop types such as InteropString64 as a fixed length version of System.String.

  • The size of the structure must fit within a single Node
    • To calculate maximum byte size, subtract roughly 1 KB from the Node Size in Unity’s Coherence Settings window (under Advanced Settings) to account for additional header information sent alongside your structure.

Starting from Blender, you will want to define your structure through ctypes and send it as an event while Coherence is connected:

import ctypes
from Coherence.core.interop import InteropString64

class FooEvent(ctypes.Structure):
    """ctypes structure that will be sent to/from Unity"""
    _fields_ = [
        ('intval', ctypes.c_int),
        ('byteval', ctypes.c_byte),
        ('strval', InteropString64),

class MyPlugin(Coherence.api.Component):
    def on_enable(self):
        # add a handler for inbound "Foo" events from Unity
        self.add_handler('Foo', self.on_foo)

        # Send a "Foo" event to Unity
        self.send_foo(1, 2, 'Hello from Blender')

    def on_disable(self):
        # Cleanup old handlers
        self.remove_handler('Foo', self.on_foo)

    def on_foo(self, id: str, size: int, data):
        """Handle `Foo` events from Unity

            id (str):           Event ID (always "Foo" in this example)
            size (int):         Size of the payload in bytes
            data (c_void_p):    Payload from Unity
        msg = FooEvent.from_address(data)
        print('intval={}, byteval={}, strval={}'.format(

    def send_foo(self, intval: int, byteval: int, strval: str):
        """Send a `Foo` event to Unity"""
        msg = FooEvent()
        msg.intval = intval
        msg.byteval = byteval
        msg.strval = InteropString64(strval.encode())

        self.send_event('Foo', msg)

You can define as many different events and payload structures as you want for your component.

In Unity, define your matching component and handlers:

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using UnityEngine;
using Coherence;

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public struct FooEvent
    public int intval;
    public byte byteval;
    public InteropString64 strval;

[Component("MyPlugin"), ExecuteAlways]
public class MyPlugin : MonoBehaviour, IComponent
    private void OnEnable()
        // add a handler for inbound "Foo" events from Blender
        AddHandler<FooEvent>("Foo", OnFoo);

        // Send a "Foo" event to Blender
        SendFoo(1, 2, "Hello from Unity");

    private void OnDisable()
        // Cleanup old handlers
        RemoveHandler<FooEvent>("Foo", OnFoo);

    /// Handle "Foo" events from Blender
    private void OnFoo(string id, FooEvent msg)
            " intval=" + msg.intval.ToString() +
            " byteval=" + msg.byteval.ToString() +
            " strval=" + msg.strval.ToString()

    /// Send a "Foo" event to Blender
    private void SendFoo(int intval, byte byteval, string strval)
        var msg = new FooEvent {
            intval = intval,
            byteval = byteval,
            strval = new InteropString64(strval)

        SendEvent<FooEvent>("Foo", msg);

Once the component is added to an object in Blender and synced between applications, a “Hello from Unity” message will be displayed in Blender and a “Hello from Blender” message will be displayed in Unity.

Example - Blender Lights

Coherence does not have a built-in component to sync bpy.types.Light objects to Unity. But by using the event API you can achieve this pretty easily:

import bpy
import Coherence

class LightProps(ctypes.Structure):
    """Light properties to send to Unity"""
    _fields_ = [
        ('type', InteropString64), # value in ['POINT', 'SUN', 'SPOT', 'AREA']
        ('distance', ctypes.c_float),
        ('r', ctypes.c_float),
        ('g', ctypes.c_float),
        ('b', ctypes.c_float),

class Light(Coherence.api.Component):
    """Component to sync Blender light properties to Unity"""
    def poll(cls, bpy_obj):
        # Attach to all Blender lights in the scene
        return bpy_obj.type == 'LIGHT'

    def on_enable(self):
        # Send current light properties once enabled

    def send_props(self):
        """Send current light properties to Unity"""
        light =

        # Copy bpy.types.Light properties to an event struct
        evt = LightProps()
        evt.type = InteropString64(light.type)
        evt.distance = light.distance
        evt.r = light.color[0]
        evt.g = light.color[1]
        evt.b = light.color[2]

        self.send_event('UpdateProps', evt)

def register():

def unregister():

And the matching Unity component to create and update a UnityEngine.Light whenever Blender properties change:

using UnityEngine;
using Coherence;

public class BlenderLight : MonoBehaviour, IComponent
    private Light light;

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
    public struct Props
        public InteropString64 type;
        public float distance;
        public float r;
        public float g;
        public float b;

    private void OnEnable()
        // Add a light to the synced GameObject
        light = AddComponent<Light>();

        // Listen to property updates from Blender
        AddHandler("UpdateProps", OnUpdateProps);

    private void OnDisable()
        RemoveHandler("UpdateProps", OnUpdateProps);

        light = null;

    private void OnUpdateProps(string id, Props props)
        // Update `light` with properties from Blender

To further enhance the above example, you can add listeners in Blender to execute send_props whenever light properties are modified through Blender’s UI.